A Lifetime of Achievements in Just Four Years

Author: Adam Taylor 2007/03/12
Move over David Dingwall. The Academy of Taxers and Spenders has just inducted its newest member in the lifetime achievement category. On February 20, 2007, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) held its ninth annual Teddies waste awards naming Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty the lifetime achievement recipient.

Founded in 1999, the Teddies are named after Ted Weatherill a former senior public servant who was terminated in 1998 for "expenses incurred by him ... incompatible with his position as Chairman of the Canada Labour Relations Board."

Ted's most famous expense was a $733.43 lunch for two in Paris and each year the Teddies are handed out at a black tie news conference to honour the best of the worst of high taxes and wasteful government spending. A golden sow is awarded federally, provincially, municipally and for lifetime achievement to any bureaucrat, politician, government or government agency that demonstrates a unique ability to waste taxpayers' money.

Of course all the great Academy winners own that one memorable line that confirms iconic status. Clark Gable had his "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," in Gone with the Wind. July Garland said "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," in the Wizard of Oz.

Which bring us to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Mr. McGuinty made two significant statements that ensure he will long be remembered by taxpayers. First, as Liberal Opposition leader on the election trail in 2003 he repeatedly told voters:

"I won't raise your taxes, but I won't cut them either."

But he didn't stop there. He later showed up at a downtown Toronto hotel and signed a pledge drafted by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation that committed a Liberal government to abide by the Taxpayer Protection and Balanced Budget Act. Above his signature, read:

"I, Dalton McGuinty, promise that if my party is elected as the next government, I will not raise taxes or implement any new taxes without the explicit consent of Ontario voters."

The Liberals won that election and Dalton McGuinty became Premier of Ontario. Yet, six months later, he broke that promise, ushering in the largest tax hike in Ontario's history in the form of a so-called "health premium." Voters called it a tax and the Big Lie.

Since then, Premier McGuinty has continuously blamed his predecessors for all his troubles, delivered 3 deficit budgets, ramped up spending, and continuously whined to the federal government for more handouts.

Handouts for what taxpayers ask In December, 2006, the McGuinty Liberals - along with the John Tory Conservatives in a supporting role - ushered in a 25 per cent pay increase for MPP's. Does this sound like someone to be trusted with tax dollars

A Teddy is awarded to Mr. McGuinty in recognition of his many accomplishments. In just four years, Dalton McGuinty truly has amassed a lifetime of achievements and for that the CTF honours him as this year's recipient of the lifetime achievement Teddy. Congratulations Premier McGuinty.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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